Finding The Right Leotard For You
Posted on - 22nd March 2022
Whether you’re aiming to take control during competitions or you just want to get to the next level in practice, having the right leotard is very important for your progression as a gymnast. Not only do you want to make sure that you have a leotard that you’re comfortable in, you also want to have a leotard that you’re confident in.
In this article, we’re going to be going through the various variables that will determine whether a leotard is for you or your loved one. Our goal will be to help you find the leotard that suits your personality, needs and style.
As we’ve previously discussed, the wide variety of gymnastics leotards can be curated as belonging to one of three leotard designs – Camisoles, Long Sleeve Leotards, and Skating Dresses. The type of gymnastics clothes you choose will depend on your needs, personality, and style.
Camisole (also known as sleeveless leotards) are the most versatile and popular type of leotards. They are suitable for both competitions and practice.
Generally speaking, camisoles are more common at practice than they are in competitions. This is because short camisoles allow you to notice small imperfections in your routine that may not be noticed in a long sleeve leotard. Likewise, camisoles may leave a gymnast feeling a little more exposed than long sleeve leotards – so if you’re feeling a little nervous or shy, you may prefer a long sleeve leotard.
Long Sleeve Leotard
Long Sleeve Leotards are, as their name suggests, leotards with long sleeves, similar to a long sleeve t-shirt or jumper.
As previously mentioned, this type of leotard is usually the favourite of gymnasts taking part in competitions. Not only will the long sleeves help to hide any unintentional arm bends, but they also allow the gymnast a little more modesty (for lack of a better word) – which is ideal if the gymnast is feeling a little nervous.
At the same time, long sleeve leotards are also the preferred leotard of gymnasts based in colder climates, as the leotard’s sleeves help to keep the gymnast warm.
Skating dresses, as their name suggests, are primarily designed for skating competitions and practices. They normally (but not always) feature long sleeves, as well as a comfortable, skating-length dress, designed to be comfortable during routines. Collar length is variable, with someone extending up the neck, while others end on the sternum.
This type of gymnastics wear is normally the specific domain of skaters, as the skirt is much more common in skating than it is in traditional gymnastics or dance.
The colour that you choose will depend on a number of factors, including the statement that you wish to make as part of your routine.
Do you want to make a bold statement? Maybe something red would suit you.
Do you want to appear as majestic as the ocean? Maybe something blue.
Ultimately, most of this is your preference. We can’t tell you what you want to say with your routine; however, we are happy to help you along the way.
Find the Right Leotard For You At Olympique
To view our full range of leotards, visit our website today.