Why Train in a Short Sleeve or Sleeveless Leotard?
Posted on - 4th November 2021
For gymnastics enthusiasts, ice or roller skaters, and dancers, the decision of what to wear when it comes to gymnastics clothes can be a tough one. Truth be told, if you don’t belong to a particular team (and so don’t have to dress to match), you probably have more choices than you know what to do with!
However, it is possible to break your choices down a little. Generally speaking, gymnastics leotards come in one of two categories: short sleeve or sleeveless leotards and long sleeved leotards. We’ve written previously about why you might want to consider long sleeve leotards for training and competition wear, but there are legitimate reasons why you might want to wear a short sleeve or sleeveless leotard, too.
In this short article, we’ll go through a few of them. Hopefully, between this article and the earlier one, you’ll have a better idea of what kind of leotard suits you and your routine.
Modern, Graceful Style
The first (and probably the least important) reason why you may want to consider a short sleeve or sleeveless leotard is because it’s far less traditional for competition wear than a long sleeve one.
Traditionally, long sleeve leotards have been preferred by gymnasts, particularly during competitions, because people view them to be more aesthetically pleasing: many people talk about the lines being better on long sleeve leotards, and that long sleeve leotards help to convey movement in a better way that the equivalents.
While this may be true from a traditional point of view, recently there has been a small but noticeable increase in the number of gymnasts and skaters wearing sleeveless or short sleeve leotards during competitions.
Wearing a short sleeve leotard helps to emphasize natural, graceful movement -- as opposed to the movement of the leotard -- whilst also giving performances a more amateurish, almost informal framing. While this framing doesn’t necessarily work with every routine, with the right routine and at the right competition, it could really elevate the routine thematically.
Because You Don’t Need Longer Sleeves
But a sleeveless leotard doesn’t just imply amateurishness or informality. It can also imply a level of control and confidence in your routine that is sure to win over at least one judge.
Furthermore, one of the most common reasons why gymnasts wear long sleeve leotards is because it hides bent elbows during competitions -- which may mean a point dedication. But, if you’re experienced and practiced enough that you know that you don’t bend your arms during routines, then you don’t need to rely on long sleeves as a crutch.
Helps You To Get Honest Feedback and Keep Training
The next reason why you might want to consider a sleeveless or short sleeve leotard is because it helps you get the most out of your training sessions. .
If you’re working with a professional trainer, one who is looking over a routine that you’ve prepared or are trying to improve your technique, your trainer will want to know which way your arms and legs are moving as your routine progresses. For example, your trainer will need to know whether you’re bending your arms at any point during your routine.
As such, a short sleeve or sleeveless leotard is a great idea -- as they allow you to stick to gymnastics wear (allowing you to keep practicing your routine in competition appropriate clothing) while also allowing your trainer to give you useful feedback.
This combination is important because practicing your routines with as many variables similar to the actual competition will mean that you’re more familiar with it and able to adapt to any potential issues far better than otherwise.
Easier To Clean
Long sleeve clothes are notoriously difficult to look after, whether you’re talking about a coat or a shirt. Because we use our arms for almost 90% of our interaction with the world around us, the material around our arms tends to become dirty very quickly. As a result, pieces of long sleeve clothing -- such as long sleeved leotards -- have to be cleaned regularly and thoroughly.
On top of that, sleeves pose an additional layer of complication when it comes to storing your clothes. In contrast to this, sleeveless or short sleeve leotards don’t attract nearly as much dust or dirt and can be stored quickly and without much complication.
As such, short sleeve or sleeveless leotards are ideal for athletes looking to maintain their gymnastics wear for as long a time as possible.
Helps You To Cool Down
The final reason why you might want to consider a short sleeve or sleeveless leotard is because, quite simply, it’s far easier to cool down in them than it is than a long sleeve equivalent.
This advantage is very important when it comes to training and competitions, both of which can stretch on for hours, because it means you can benefit from this improved porousness in situations where you’re performing your routine or training in hot locales -- such as during the summer or in warm, close spaces without much ventilation.
Talk To Us Today
If you have any questions about our range of leotards, want to discuss a design for your team, or any other enquiries, contact the gymnastics wear experts today. We’ll be happy to help you with any questions you may have in order to improve your shopping experience.